About best Persian food


Best Persian food is available in Hestooran restaurant, in this restaurant best Persian  food  will be served. Hestooran is located in Fereshteh street , in north of Tehran . But   people   like different foods , some like kebab, some others like rice and soup, but  really which food is the best ?

About best Persian food

Materials and how to cooking are very important, some people like boiled food, some others like fried and some like tannery, tastes are very different. But the best persian food  which one   is  health and nutritious and utile ,  that body need to it ,Many of foods are not nutritious and health.

Most popular and   best  Persian food is kebab. Each food is the best for each one, for example fried foods are not utile for old ages, old people must eat more boiled or tannery without oil. Hestooran cook the best food and considers the priorities and necessities for all ages.

traditional and ancient culture

In view of architecture, this restaurant has been built on traditional and ancient culture, cooper dishes are unique advantage of  this restaurant.

traditional and ancient culture | Hestooran

There are not repeated foods, menu is unique and specia, all foods in menu are the best Persian food,  nearly  there are many foods from all Iran cities, you can order north foods , if you are from north of Iran, and you can order food from south of Iran city  if you are from south of Iran .This restaurant has very intimate and kind energy, all stuffs are very hospitable and friendly, they respectfully talk and welcome you . You will find the best food in menu.

Best Persian food for some events and days

There are some special days and events in Iran culture that each of them have one special food, for example in Ramadan month, there are some differ appetizers and food ,as date palm, halva , shole zard, zolbia  bumie ,and noodle soup .

Best Persian food for some events and days | Hestooran

These kinds are the best food for this event, but these will not serve on other day and event. So the best Persian food depend on some reasons. But Hestooran serve all kind of foods for guests.  There   are some other restaurant in Tehran that are in different districts as Divan and Kasab, but they do not serve and cook as Hestooran, because Hestooran cooking method and design is very special.

What is the main traits of the best Persian food?

The main trait of the best food is its spices, and organic materials. Iran has many rich and qualified  spices  as  saffron, pepper, rice spice, cinnamon.

What is the main traits of the best Persian food? | Hestooran

One materials  is  animal oil that is very famous , I am sure you have heard about Kermanshah animal oil, this kind of oil is very healthy and does not precipitate in the veins, this oil is very nutrition and useful for all ages, also have very nice smell  and flavor, Hestooran use from these spices and organic materials and because of that , you see the best food in this restaurant. Industrials oils are not healthy and useful for body.

Hestooran foods

Plant oils also are qualified and suit for our body health. Experience the best food with best oil. Best Persian food is which one, has being cooked with love and kind, you will not feel this effect in fast foods and semi- ready foods, best food is which one has been cooked and  designed  according  Iranian culture , you will enjoy more this kind of food ,because it is mix from food, heritage and art effect .

Hestooran foods | Hestooran

Hestooran  try  to offer best food as international standards, so many foreigners are interested to  hestooran  foods . Many foreigners come to this restaurant only for eating Iranian food and best Persian food, with different flavor and special smell. Thanks to Hestooran for cooking the best food.

Reserve your place and table for eating best Persian food

Before you go to this restaurant, reserve your place and table, you can reserve without any payment in advance, there are many beautiful places in outside and inside, in yard or porch.

Reserve your place and table for eating best Persian food | Hestooran

If you like to eat the best food under sky and sun, you must reserve in yard or porch, if you want to see stars at night, you must reserve outside, day and night you can enjoy to nature. Enjoy the best Persian food in this restaurant.

Best food in summer and winter

Our body in different  seasons  need  to  different  kind of foods, in summer we do not need to much oil, we need more to boiled foods with combination of vegetables and nearly cold foods, but in winter we need to hot foods , soups and more nutrition because our body must resist against cold weather .

Best Persian food in summer and winter | Hestooran

In Hes- café you will see different drinks and cookie , dried fruits , there are many natural juices, different juices are very appropriate for summer season because of hot weather.

You will experience  Persian food in Hestooran depend on your body needs . Thanks to Hestooran for this new method. Some of the best Persian food including: kebab, Qorme- sabzi stew, fesenjan stew, eggplant sage stew , eggplant halim.

Best food with fish and shrimp

Best food are  fish  and shrimp, south of Iran have special foods from fish and shrimp , because Iran south cities are near Persian gulf . Persian gulf  has the best fishes, these fishes are better and qualified than  Khazar  sea in north of Iran. There is many special material and food in name of  Khaviar , this food is very excellent for our body health , Iran seas are full of blessing,  khaviar is the best persian food .

Best Persian food with fish and shrimp | Hestooran

Many thanks to God because of these blessings, God has created every things   which  we need. Many foreigners wish to test  best  Persian food even for one time, they charge and cost till come to Iran and have excellent time in our country and eat  best food. Hestooran always welcome to all foreigners from all over countries, students, artists or business men, tourist or any other jobs.

Hestooran and Hes- café not   only are very special and unique in Tehran, but also in dare we can say in all cities in Iran,  hope this restaurant will find its way  and enter to international markets ,maybe in near future hestooran and  hes- café will establish some branches in some countries. Hope this event sooner will be happened. Best Persian food for all of you, Hope  Hestooran always provide the best  persian  food .